Monday, December 9, 2013

Simple Machines

JasonSolomon                                                                                                                                     12/9/13

Simple Machines
The project we did was that we had to build simple machines to create a mechanical advantage. We had to get certain measurements to build the machines. We had to hold or pull weight on each machine and we had to build four machines. The mechanical advantage of three of the machines had to be six, and the pulley had to have a mechanical advantage of two. They were a lever, wheel and axle, incline plane, and pulley. Many groups created the machines but did not fulfill the task of creating their machines to have a mechanical advantage. This projet was the building block to others that we will build in this class and it will help us build them and measure how we can get the best mechanical advantage in each project we build.
As you can see this is a wheel and axle that Joey built.

This is a incline plane that i built
This is a pulley that joey and i
attempted to build


I built this lever in me and joey's try to win the the cubcakes


My group finished in like last place in every machine except for the incline plane. We could not get a good mechainical advantage on either of the projects. My group struggled to understand how to get it done. Plus one of our group members was out the whole time we were building the machines to get mechanical advantage better. We should have payed attention to get a better project with advantage and looks. The final winner was Rob's groups. They had the highest and best machines in mechanical advantage and effiecency.
We lost efficiency because of the measurments of the projects could be off and this really afftected the outcome of our project. For example if your leaver where you wanted to put the weight and measure could really afftect the outcome. Plus if your incline plane was to steep it you make your efficeincy much lower. My group could have been  more accurate in measurements and understanding and how to create a good project. Now that our group is back together we can create a more well balanced efficient project with our knowledge on mechanical advantage now.

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