Thursday, October 3, 2013

Invention: Vending Machine

Inventor: Thomas Adams
Completion: 1888
Vending Machine
The vending machine has been a very reliable source to get snacks, drinks, movies, etc very quickly with no register. The very first machine was the gum ball machine in New York City subway platforms. This made it faster to get things without waiting for the cashier. When in a hurry this was much faster. An interesting fact was in 1902 in Philedelphia, they made a resturant called Horn and Hardart operated on vending machines and it stayed open till 1962.
This invention is very important to society because they help create the sale of products much faster and you can get it whenever you want at a fast pace. These machines are still used in todays society. Everyone constintley uses vending machines and it helped shape up a new way of business for some. Personally vending machines were a great invention for society.

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