Tuesday, April 8, 2014

yo-yo project

Jason Solomon                                                                                                                                4/8/14

Blog on yo-yo        
 My group was Troy Joey and I and we made a yo-yo with a optical illusion attached to it. Our illusion made the colors blue and orange and these are complementary colors. We first made two circles with the drill press and we made them the same size. Then we took a rod and glued the two circles together with the rod attached to it. Then we had to attach a rob to the yo-yo so we can make it spin to make the illusion. Our group performed a good yo-yo and we achieved our task.

Our group did create a optical illusion and we did succeed in using the color theory in it. The colors we made in the illusion were blue and orange. Many groups also achieved their goals and overall this project was a success for our class. A lot of interesting and creative designs were made.

My group could have improved our project if we had more time. We wanted to make a smaller and less weighted circles for the yo-yo. Our string was a big struggle and if affected the outcome of our project. We needed to get a smaller string and it would have created more spin for our illusion.